The Shirley G. Wassong Memorial Lecture in European and American Art, Culture, and History was established in 1996 in loving memory of Mrs. Wassong with the support of friends, family and her husband, Joseph Wassong'59. Since 2010, the Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary ​Studies has been honored to organize this annual lecture.

2022 Wassong Annual Lecture

Monday, April 25, 2022
Sheila Fisher, “Within Opposing Cells”: Questions of Women, Confinement, and Self-Expression
Why might some women find occasion for self-expression within confined spaces, whether those spaces are chosen voluntarily or imposed by social forces? Why might restriction of the body and experience work to generate expansion of the mind, the spirit, and the imagination? How might these questions resonate with us as we process our experiences of the pandemic? Sheila Fisher will explore these questions as she tries to find possible connections between the expressions of two groups of women — medieval nuns, mystics, and anchoresses and contemporary women in carceral settings — central to her ongoing work.
To view the lecture, Click here

2021 Wassong Annual Lecture

Monday, April 5, 2021
7pm, Wassong Annual Lecture (rescheduled from spring 2020)
Maurice Wade, “Lloyd Algernon Best: Decoloniality and the Epistemic Importance of Place.”
Maurice Wade is Professor of Philosophy at Trinity College. Prof. Wade is co-editor of The Moral Dimensions of Public Policy Choice, as well as the author of numerous articles on race, sports, and animal liberation.
To view the lecture, Click here

2019 Wassong Lecture

Monday, April 29, 2019 – 7:00pm, McCook Auditorium
Speaker: Lev Manovich, Professor at The Graduate School at CUNY
“Volume, Variety, Velocity: The Data Challenges of Contemporary Culture”

Lev Manovich addressed the challenges of observing digital culture that have become too big and complex for traditional humanities methods. In his lecture, Manovich discussed an unprecedented access to human culture, arguing that contemporary digital culture has the same characteristics originally used to define big data—volume, variety, and velocity.

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